The Free Symposium Session Has EXPIRED

Want the Symposium Recordings to Keep Forever? Grab Your Higher Consciousness VIP Bundle NOW, and Get Over $6,000 in Value!



offer In
Higher Consciousness

July 6-12, 2020

A week-long gathering with 21 sessions from transformational leaders
to activate the next level of consciousness for YOU and the WORLD.

Join Your New Soul Family for This Powerful, No-Cost Online Gathering, and Discover How to Begin Creating a Life Where You Wake Up Every Morning, Happy, Grateful, and Vibrant! 

Grab Your Free Ticket to the Symposium

Right Now, for a Limited Time, You Can Upgrade to the Higher Consciousness VIP Bundle.

When you do, in addition to video replays and audio recordings of the 11 transformative sessions in the Symposium, you’ll ALSO receive an invaluable package featuring Rikka Zimmerman’s immersive, LIVE online masterclass:

The 6 Principles for True Success
6-Week Live Masterclass

($497 Value)

Masterclass Dates: July 13, 2023 - Aug 15, 2023
Live Calls Every Tuesday At 6pm Pacific

During this Masterclass, you will meet LIVE each week as Rikka walks you step-by-step through her proven process to transcend the illusion of limitation, embrace your infinite capacity for happiness and freedom, bend reality to manifest miracles, fulfill your divine purpose, and FINALLY live a life you love.

When you experience The 6 Principles for True Success, you’ll discover proven methods and processes to change your energy alignment—and therefore change your life.

You’ll also receive the following bonus audio courses: 

12 Morning & Evening Neuropathway Activations ($297 value), Success Workbook ($237 value), 12 Real Life Application Audios ($297 value), Harmonizing Past Hurt Into Love ($397 value) and Turning Fear Into Rocket Fuel ($397 value).

In addition to the masterclass, this package includes:

2 Tickets to Rikka’s 3-Day Live Event in Sedona, Arizona! August 25-27, 2023 (Live stream option available).

Embracing the Freedom and Power of Quantum Consciousness - Learn how to take your power back from 3D victim consciousness & Utilize It to Manifest The Life You Truly Desire.

($997 value)

During this Live 3-day class in breathtaking Sedona, we’ll work together to withdraw your consciousness from where you are animating the limited 3D simulation and use your energy to channel the power of Quantum Consciousness.


Over $3,000 in Speaker Bonuses from the World’s Leaders in Transformation Featured in the Symposium

These are online programs that our speakers sell on their website, but you get them at no cost when you invest in the Higher Consciousness VIP Bundle.

THIS is exactly what you need to begin stepping into a higher level of consciousness and begin manifesting your extraordinary life!

Take Action. Get Your Vibration-Raising, Life Changing Higher Consciousness VIP Bundle Today. 

Get instant access—24 hours a day, seven days a week! 

Order Now & Save $100 

(through July 14th at Midnight PT)

When it comes to manifesting your dream life, THIS is the missing piece.

We’re living in turbulent times (and that’s putting it mildly, right?) So many people want to help shift out of this paradigm, but they aren’t sure how. They feel stuck, isolated, powerless, and helpless—sound familiar? 

It doesn’t have to be this way. You CAN be part of the solution. Peace and healing begin with you. When you rise up, those around you rise up, too, which means that, when you align and connect with your soul family and raise your consciousness, you become part of a movement to transform the world. 

You’re not alone. You can step out of fear and helplessness. You CAN help. 

There’s only one way to rise above and thrive, though, and that is to reconnect with Source energy and step into a higher consciousness. 

Stepping into a higher consciousness is the key ingredient in creating lasting change.  

And now, creating lasting change is more important than it ever has been. Source is calling all of us to come together as a soul family, each of us raising our own consciousness and therefore raising the consciousness of the collective … and transforming the world. 

This is your chance to be part of the change.

Join Us Now and You Can Grab These Bonuses from Our Amazing Speakers:

Make Money with Your Message

with Sage Lavine
($997 Value)

Make Money With Your Message will provide tools to help you get CRYSTAL CLEAR on who you work with and how you help them so they see the value in hiring you.

Miracle Intention Cards & Anchoring Guided Meditation Bundle

with Marci Shimoff
($147 Value)

To help you instantly shift into a high vibrational state, you'll receive a deck of powerful intention statements designed specifically to inspire and support you along with a guided meditation for anchoring yourself during times of change.

Free Monthly Trial of Prosperity Playground and Awakened Wealth Mastery Monthly Mastermind

with with Derek Rydall
($497 Value)

Be coached personally by Derek on how to uplevel your wealth mindset and manifestation abilities, AND the Prosperity Playground, where you will get coaching and vibrational upgrades with Derek's partner, FIVE DAYS A WEEK, all month long

3 Pre-Made Mind Movies + Subliminal Audio

with Natalie Ledwell
($158 Value)

Enjoy three professionally produced Mind Movies on the topics of Overcoming Procrastination, Motivation, and Increased Energy. Plus, a Subliminal Audio on Overcoming Procrastination.

Turning Fear into Fire 

with Dr. Sue Morter
($39 Value)

Change your fears forever with an entire paradigm shift and learn to make decisions from that Passionate space within. Free yourself from the mind chatter of self-questioning and create a reality shift by turning fear inside out.

The Clear Your Beliefs Audio Program

with Lion Goodman
($497 Value)

A 7-part audio series that takes you through the Clear Beliefs transformational process to eliminate your limiting and negative beliefs, childhood wounds, and interference in your life.

Receive Your Divine Inheritance Embodiment Journey

with Sofiah Thom
($222 Value)

Recognize your inner authority beyond all beliefs and stories. No longer allow any external forces to sway you from what you know to be true for you. 

3 Months of SelfQuest Membership

with Dr. Margaret Paul
($197 Value)

SelfQuest is a self-guided journey that takes place at your own pace, in the privacy of your own space. It unleashes the true power and consciousness within you to help you realize the life changes you desire and deserve. The power to find yourself, heal yourself and love yourself through the transformational self-healing practice of Inner Bonding. 

 Seeds for Your Soul: A Life Beyond Happy

with Debra Poneman
($497 Value)

Six Powerful Downloadable Video Modules containing the secrets to living a life that is unshakably happy and deeply fulfilling no matter what live throws your way.

Activating Your 9 Shamanic Gifts Masterclass Bundle

with Rose Cole
($333 Value)

Activating your 9 Shamanic Gifts Masterclass Bundle will take you from being an intuitively curious lightworker to understanding the principles to become a powerful Shamanic guide for yourself and others!

The Miracle

with Rikka Zimmerman
($29 Value)

Rikka joins forces with Singer-Songwriters Isaac and Thorald Koren to bring forth the Miracle, which debuted Top Twenty on iTunes. The Miracle will raise your vibration, align you with spirit, awaken your knowing, open your heart to be the expression of the divine you were born to be.

Total Value of Our Speaker Bonuses: $3,000


Transformational Leaders

With the Higher Consciousness VIP Bundle, you can own—and access—these incredible sessions for life!

If you have to miss any of the sessions during the 3 days of the Symposium, or if you want to walk through a process again as your future unfolds, you can! 

Dr. Sue Morter

Energy Medicine and Quantum Self-Healing: Integration of Body, Mind and Spirit

Marci Shimoff

Activating Healing and Higher Consciousness with The Flames Process

Sage Lavine

Uncovering your Entrepreneurial GIFT that will Change the World

Natalie Ledwell

Loving The Inner Child Process; The key to joy, happiness, and freedom

Derek Rydall

VVR Visualization, Vibration, Radiation to Awaken Your True Nature

Lion Goodman

The Clear Beliefs Method

Sofiah Thom

Temple Body Tune In Process - Access Your Inner Compass to Map Your Radiant Path

Rose Cole

The Sunrise Ritual - Learn the ancient practice for recalibrating to the Earth's rhythms.

Debra Poneman

Sitting for Guidance Meditation - Gain Access to Messages from Your Spirit Guides/Angelic Helpers/Higher Self

Dr. Margaret Paul

The 6-Steps of Inner Bonding

Rikka Zimmerman

How to Access the Power and Magic of Your Unwavering Consciousness


Rikka’s 6 Principles for True Success

An immersive, 6-week, LIVE online Masterclass that includes 9 interactive hours of guidance and support consisting of:

6 Weekly 90-minute Livestream Video Calls - (replays available)
6 journaling worksheets to help embody the Principles in your life
Private online Masterclass Membership site to connect with other students, ask questions and continue the conversation
Morning & Evening audio recordings to help you begin and end your day in alignment with the 6 Principles
Quick 5-minute audios you can listen to anytime throughout the day when you need to overcome issues, obstacles or stress using the 6 Principles

Masterclass Schedule:

July 13, 2023 - Aug 15, 2023

Live Calls Every Tuesday At 6pm Pacific

Week 1:

Aligning with Infinite Love: Ending Unworthiness

You will begin your transformational journey by releasing the beliefs you have about not being loved. You will experience a powerful clearing technique that will lift these heavy vibrations out of your system, returning you to a level of being loved that you have only dreamed was possible. Once we clear away the past, I will run a powerful high vibrating activation that will anchor your field in this Source love.

Aligning with the The First Principle will connect you with the Source love that already exists and end the eternal search of trying to find love in outside situations and experiences.

During Week One you will:

  • Stop feeling unworthy or undeserving of love as you recognize the truth that you, everything and everyone is loved
  • End the story that Love is a limited energy, and instead, you are in the field where love is infinite, abundant, everywhere, and in everyone
  • Attract loving partners, friends, and expansive business opportunities into your life
  • Experience the vibration of love in every moment, even if chaos or disorder are present
  • Receive gifts, compliments, money, and greater possibilities because you are love, loving and loved
  • Eliminate all the actions you subconsciously take in order to be loved

Special Activation & Home-study:
Activating Infinite Love A.M. and P.M. audio MP3
Incorporating Principle 1 Into Your Life: Worksheet
5 Minute Activating Principle 1 Throughout the Day audio MP3

Week 2:

Aligning with Absolute Wholeness: Ending Lack, Scarcity, Wanting or Needing

During this week’s class, we will shatter the next layer of the illusion of separation and step into alignment with wholeness--the truth that everything (including you!) is made of Source Energy. When you accept the second principle, you will stop the endless loop of wanting, needing, or missing anything. Aligning with this Principle will allow you to perfectly reflect the wholeness that exists in everything and you will finally feel like you are part of something bigger. You will embrace your totality. This will give you tremendous and powerful energy that you can use to have more energy in your body, power your business, or relationships.

During Week Two you will:

  • End lacking, needing, wanting, or missing anything because you will energetically already have and be it all
  • Interact with others through the truth that you and they are whole and one with Source. This changes every relationship
  • Have a deep and fulfilling sense of belonging to something greater
  • End the illusionary experience of low or limited energy and instead have access to the infinite Source energy we all share
  • Enter into Source’s field of infinite possibilities that will allow you to manifest outside or beyond what is seemingly possible

Special Activation & Home-study:
Activating Wholeness A.M. and P.M. Audio MP3
Incorporating Principle 2 Into Your Life: Worksheet
5 Minute Activating Principle 2 Throughout the Day MP3

Week 3:

Aligning with Infinite Support: Ending Worry, Fear, & Anxiety

When you give yourself the gift of accepting that you are being served by Source in the highest, it will radically change your entire experience of life. By choosing to accept the Third Principle, you are moving out of the illusionary field of being a victim, fearing that you can’t trust life and into relying on life in every moment to do what it does best; serve you in the highest. During this class we will bring up and clear all of the past experiences that prove that you’re not supported. You will experience a powerful activation finally accepting the Universal truth that life is in fact serving you in the highest. As you function from this principle, of being served in the highest, this is what you will manifest as your new reality.

During Week Three you will:

  • End the feeling that life is out to get you, or the other shoe will always drop
  • Stop feeling like something is wrong, a problem, or a mistake
  • Learn how to instantly remove the emotions of fear, stress and anxiety when they arise
  • Surrender knowing you are always taken care of by Source--life has your back!
  • Receive the amazing gift your life is always serving you in the highest

Special Activation & Home-study:
Accepting Infinite Support A.M. and P.M. MP3
Incorporating Principle 3 Into Your Life: Worksheet
5 Minute Activating Principle 3 Throughout the Day MP3

Week 4:

Aligning with Inner Value & Self Worth: Ending Low Self-Esteem and Judgment

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to embody a magical self confidence that creates success in every area of their life? They seem to effortlessly attract more wealth and abundance, more expansive business opportunities, more loving friendships and relationships. Why do they allow themselves to receive so much? Why does everything seem to work out for them? It is because of their inner alignment with how they value, see, and acknowledge themselves.

During Week Four you will:

  • Release the past beliefs and experiences of not feeling seen, heard, acknowledged, accepted, or understood for the gift that you are
  • Discover the secret for unshakable self confidence and self worth
  • Begin attracting the wealth, abundance, and opportunities that you truly deserve
  • Increase your capacity to receive exponentially in all aspects of life
  • Stop feeling misunderstood, not accepted or like you don’t matter
  • Let go of trying to be someone you are not, and embrace the beauty and perfection that you already are
  • Attract loving and respectful relationships into your life

Special Activation & Home-study:
Being Acknowledged and Valued A.M. and P.M. MP3
Incorporating Principle 4 Into Your Life: Worksheet
5 Minute Activating Principle 4 Throughout the Day MP3

Week 5:

Aligning with Infinite Possibility: An End to All Limitation

Does it feel like no matter what you do to be limitless, you feel limited? Do you feel you have limited energy, limited abundance, limited business possibilities, limited options? During this class I will walk you through my proven process to release the beliefs and vibrations that are keeping you stuck in limitation and open up to embrace what is possible for you and your life.

The Fifth Principle is your gateway to the energetic field of magic and miracles. As you activate this frequency, and use the tools that work to ignite greater possibility, you will watch miracles and magic show up around you. You will finally feel joyfully free to create any life of your choice.

During Week Five you will:

  • Discover how to hold the field for the highest and greatest possibilities that is outside of what you can imagine or believe is possible
  • Experience a sense of great joy and empowerment knowing that all is possible
  • Discover your own new healing and transformational talents and abilities
  • End the disappointing story of, “I guess this is just the way that it is”
  • Align with Source’s infinite menu of possibility where money, relationships and healing can show up in ways that seem out of logical reality

Special Activation & Home-study:
Activating Infinite Possibility A.M. and P.M. MP3
Incorporating Principle 5 Into Your Life: Worksheet
5 Minute Activating Principle 5 Throughout the Day MP3

Week 6:

Aligning with Magical Possibility: Ending the Struggle of Manifestation

Once you have accepted each of the 5 Principles, you then graduate into your next level of life experience; miraculous, magical manifestation. During this class, I will help elevate your vibration into a level of receiving that you never dreamed possible. You will be resonating at such a pure level of alignment that it’s as if you’ve been given a magic wand to effortlessly manifest or instantly transform anything.

As you accept Principle 6, you will no longer feel that anything is a struggle, challenge, or a problem to overcome. You will be resonating so strongly with your dream life, that suddenly your day-to-day experience will feel like heaven on Earth!

During Week Six you will:

  • Harness the power of effective manifestation
  • Instantly transform how you react and perceive obstacles
  • Dissolve painful past memories and begin to live your life in the present moment
  • Experience the the joy and fun of life again
  • Embody true happiness regardless of any outside circumstances

Special Activation & Home-study:
Activating Infinite Possibility A.M. and P.M. MP3
Incorporating Principle 6 Into Your Life: Worksheet
5 Minute Activating Principle 6 Throughout the Day MP3

To enhance your journey even more...

When You Purchase the VIP Bundle, You’ll Also Receive These Amazing Bonuses:

12 Morning & Evening Neuropathway Activations $297

One of the quickest ways to create new habits that ensure lasting and permanent energetic transformation is to build new neural pathways in the brain. These 12 neuropathway activations will set the vibration and reality of the 6 Principles into your energetic field. All you have to do is listen and accept and each day and night you will effortlessly experience a greater and greater level of alignment. As you accept Principle 6, you will no longer feel that anything is a struggle, challenge, or a problem to overcome. You will be resonating so strongly with your dream life, that suddenly your day-to-day experience will feel like heaven on Earth!

Success Workbook $197

This workbook will give you hands-on application exercises designed to align your conscious mind with the truth of your new Source aligned reality. As you respond to each question you will feel ownership and integration of each of these principles into your life.

Turning Fear Into Rocket Fuel for Your Success $397

What do you do when fear, anxiety, or worry come up, and how do you not let fear stop you? During this audio program, I will walk you through the energetic process of how to turn fear into rocket fuel for your success so that fear will never stop you again! This process will un-trap the energy and bring you back into alignment with love.

12 Real Life Application Audios $297

How do you step into alignment fast when you find yourself out of alignment? Like your kids have pushed your buttons, your running late and stuck in traffic having a mini anxiety attack, you’re credit card bills have you in a panic of fear and worry, etc For all these real-life moments, you can use these 12 Real Life Applications.

In these short audios, I will walk you through the 6 principle process on the day to day struggles that you're having. They are each 5 mins. or less and bring you into total alignment right when you need it. You can download them to your phone and play them whenever you need.

Harmonizing Past Hurt Into Love $397

When your past traumas don’t heal correctly they become chronic energetic wounds that surface in our everyday lives-- keeping you from alignment with the life your heart truly desires. During this 2 hour audio program, I will walk you step by step through healing those wounds from your past, so that you can stop re-experiencing them in your present. You will also receive a 30 minute audio called, Setting You Free From The Collective Hurt, and a 5 minute Bringing Your Energy Back to Love Audio.

Check Out What Happened When These Students Began Using the 6 Principles...

"You will say “oh, what a gift.” It’s incredible. It just turns your world around..."

"After implementing the 6 principles, what I found for myself is that I released so much. The judgments are no longer there, I am looking for more strengths in people than the negatives. So the positive comes first. Which is huge.

So, Rikka has a way of helping you go deeper. Deeper to find the block that you forgot about. In such a loving and supporting way. And she starts it and then you have a full support group. Not only the staff but other coaches and members in the program. It’s the best support you can get. It’s tenfold compared to going to counseling.

I highly recommend taking the program, working with Rikka, working with the 6 principles because you will live a more expansive life. You’ll smile more. Rain doesn’t bother you. You will say “oh, what a gift.” It’s incredible. It just turns your world around. So, do it for yourself because you can find your true self and everything flows out from there."

Heather Smith

Naples, FL

"My life has changed tremendously..."

"Since working with Rikka and using the 6 principle tools and processes, my life has changed tremendously. I have better breathing, better circulation in my legs and before using these principles, I struggled with feeling my foot, with walking, with circulation, with openness and freedom to walk more. It has opened me so much.

Before using the 6 principles, I had insomnia, a very hard time sleeping. All these thoughts in my mind. My mind wouldn’t shut off. After using these 6 principles, I am able to sleep with ease. I feel so at peace within myself when I go to sleep. My dreams aren’t scary anymore. They actually help me to know things that are going to happen in my day. With my body, my relationships, they have all changed immensely.

Using these principles has opened up my life. I have different conversations with people. People are clamouring to spend time with me. My body is healing immensely. I no longer have arthritis. It is just amazing!

Toni Ann Mazza

Virginia Beach, VA

"It’s so easy, so simple and practical...Anyone can use it..."

"My life has completely transformed since I’ve been working with Rikka and using the 6 principles and tools. I used to struggle with inner confidence, really feeling loved and connected. Lot’s of abandonment sorts of feelings coming up and lots of money issues coming up. So many of those processes are shifting and changing since working with Rikka.

What I’ve found mostly is that as a scientist, that the 6 principles tie into quantum physics.  Even though you don’t need to go there. For me, it really helps me find that the divine spiritual aspect - combined with the scientific aspect and realize that instead of suffering to clear out my past issues, I really truly am manifesting from this love and divine energy.

It’s so easy, so simple and practical. Anyone can use. It makes me very happy that I can bring a tool to my clients so they too can create this love, connection, prosperity, help and anything they desire. Because they can quickly do so with the 6 principles. Rikka has an incredible presence, energy and love. So when you get an opportunity to work with Rikka you receive this love and presence and desire to help you live your best life."

Deborah Miller

Oaxaca City

"I continue to see new pathways opening for me and abundance continues to fill my life"

"While working with Rikka and her 6 Principles teachings, I began correcting my conscious thinking in my everyday life and was able to bring it into alignment with the 6 Principles.

I realized I could choose from the infinite menu of Source and not accept negative thinking or limited beliefs that I had long held on to. I began rethinking how manifestation and abundance took place in my life, and I began to present differently in my everyday life and activities. As a result, money appeared when it was needed, and joy, gratitude and peacefulness began flooding my thoughts.

Since having taken this course in the 6 Principles of being, I have remained vigilant and continued this course in my daily life and I continue to see new pathways opening for me and abundance continues to fill my life, for which I am so grateful.

Thank you Rikka for your heart and the brilliant work you do for the world."

Roger Palmer

Seattle, WA

"My life shifted in ways I can’t put into words..."

“I have been doing package after package with healer after healer and while I had improvements I still stayed stuck in the same repeating patterns with money and negative energy.  When I heard Rikka introduce the 6 principles class I knew I had to be there and when she said don’t let money and time stop you it resonated so I made the money work and signed up.

My life shifted in ways I can’t put into words with that choice and the course.  It explained everything in 6 weeks that I had been searching for my entire life.  My life path changed with this course to one of peace and happiness.

So ‘thank you’ doesn’t begin to express it but I will just say it anyway thank you for giving me the gift of me. I am profoundly changed and grateful."

Nancy Tulipano

Ontario, Canada

My life is transforming and now I live in a world of “I can” and not “I can’t.”

"Before the 6 principles and using those tools and processes, I had severe health issues, was in 2 major accidents and my spine was wrecked up, concussion, memory issues, shaken brain syndrome and everything. Body image issues. Severe financial issues for the last 15 years.

But after doing the 6 principles, after 4 months I had such a turning point and since then I have lost 20 pounds, gotten help for my spine and neck and they are really improving. I am actually bringing in enough money each month to cover the bills. In the past, I was always short. Sometimes a little and sometimes a lot. I had gone severely in debt.

My life is transforming and now I live in a world of “I can” and not “I can’t.” I am no longer restricted and I have unlimited possibilities. I love working with Rikka because she totally comes from the heart. She is so heart centered and just pure divine love.

Jan Petersen

Colorado Springs, CO

THIS Is Everything You Need to Align with Source Energy—and Stay Aligned—So You Can Begin Manifesting and Experiencing the Extraordinary Life You Desire, with Ease. 

You’re Protected by Our 5-Day, Money-Back Guarantee.

© Rikka Zimmerman 2023.  All Rights Reserved.


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Becoming the Change You Want to See

#1 bestselling author of Emergence and The Abundance Project, Derek Rydall uses his system of accelerated self-mastery to help people live their deepest life’s work at the highest levels of success. He’s coached Oscar & Emmy winners, top executives at fortune 500 companies, and hundreds of thousands from around the world to create a life they love and make the difference they were born for.



Get unlimited access to the 21 transformative video sessions along with $14,707 in Bonuses, Rikka’s live online 6-week Masterclass and so much more!

You’re Protected by Our 7-Day, Money-Back Guarantee.
